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Plymouth, MI 48170

Call Today (248) 961-0229

Plymouth, MI 48170


When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, two fundamental pillars are nutrition and physical activity. These can contribute to lowered risk of so many physical diseases and conditions along with improved mental health and well-being. Healthy dietary recommendations include minimum levels of nutrients you need every day. These include […]
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take another look… BENEFITS OF PROTEIN What is this popular supplement COQ10? Learn about this powerful antioxidant…
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It’s no secret that it is easy to overindulge during the holiday season. Between the abundance of food offered and available, along with a packed social calendar filled with parties and festivities, it can be easy to overeat. However, over time, it can develop into an unhealthy habit that results […]
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Life Lessons from 2020 Good Health is everything: Health is the real Wealth. Make taking care of your mental and physical health a priority. This includes eating a diet that is right for your body, staying physically active, and managing stress.  Stress trumps all!: Chronic stress can wreak havoc on […]
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