Call Today (248) 961-0229

Plymouth, MI 48170

Call Today (248) 961-0229

Plymouth, MI 48170

Think you know everything about protein?

take another look…


  • Repairs muscle tissue and promotes muscle growth
  • Helps create important chemicals such as hormones and enzymes
  • Helps produce antibodies, which are proteins that fight off harmful viruses and bacteria
  • Proteins can be broken down and converted into glucose, a type of sugar that our cells use for energy

What is this popular supplement COQ10?

Learn about this powerful antioxidant…

  • Acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting cells from damage caused by harmful free radicals
  • Maintainins heart health by assisting in energy production and acting as an antioxidant
  • May have a neuroprotective effect potentially slowing down the progression of neurodegenerative diseases
  • Improves sperm health and motility

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