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Plymouth, MI 48170

Call Today (248) 961-0229

Plymouth, MI 48170


Studies show that reducing inflammation can reduce the risk of several of these conditions, including heart disease and cancer. There are medications used to help lower inflammation to treat some of these diseases such as corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, and biologics. However, there are also several lifestyle changes—including a healthy diet—that can […]
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Chronic inflammation is often invisible without immediate or serious symptoms, but over the long-term it’s been linked to many chronic diseases such as: ●     Acne, eczema, and psoriasis ●     Allergies and asthma ●     Autoimmune diseases (arthritis, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus) ●     Cancer ●     Chronic pain ●     Gastrointestinal disorders […]
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Inflammation You may remember having a cut, sprain, or a sore throat. The area feels painful and hot, and looks red and swollen. These are telltale signs of inflammation. Inflammation is a natural and essential process that your body uses to defend itself from infections and heal injured cells and […]
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Chia pudding is a popular and nutritious dish made from chia seeds soaked in liquid, typically milk (dairy or plant-based) or fruit juice. The chia seeds absorb the liquid and develop a gel-like texture, creating a creamy and satisfying pudding-like consistency. This versatile dish can be flavored with various ingredients […]
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The Blueberry Hemp Detox is a rejuvenating and nutritious smoothie designed to refresh your body and mind. Bursting with the goodness of fresh blueberries and nutrient-rich hemp seeds, this delicious blend offers a powerful combination of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals to cleanse and revitalize your system. The detoxifying properties of […]
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Enjoy these popsicles with you kids and family
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Anti-inflammatory Summer Desserts for the whole family!
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